A few additional edited articles are also posted on
Genetic Dissection of Stroke (04.20.05) A multigenic model of stroke risk in sickle cell subjects identified using Bayesian networks. more >>
rTDT (12.20.04) A robust Transmission/Disequilibrium Test for incomplete genotype data published on Genetics. more >>
Statistical Challenges (02.22.02) Statistical Challenges in Functional Genomics is an overview of current approaches to the analysis of gene expression data. more >>
CAGED (03.10.02) A computer program for cluster analysis of gene expression data collected from temporal experiments. more >>
BEST (10.10.03) A computer program able to identify the minimum set of SNPs tagging an haplotype block. more >>
IEEE GENSIP (03.10.05) IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics 2005 May 22 -24, 2005, Newport, RI more >>